Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coach fees up to May '10

To all Vulcanianz,

- If you came for any one of the practices during each and any month, you still have to pay the coach fees for the WHOLE MONTH, that is RM 30 (for juniors) or RM 50 (for seniors).
To people who have quit cheer, you still have to pay the caoch fees for the months that you attended cheer practices.

- The monthly coach fees might rise RM 25 (RM 50 + RM 25 = RM 75) starting from June onwards to the end of the year due to the coach fees for cheer camp. ~ FOR SENIORS AND MAINTEAM SUBS ONLY. (This is an unconfirmed subject)

- All afternoon session Vulcanianz (Juniors and Seniors) have to hand in the coach fees by the next practice (Wednesday or Monday). This is a must.

To people who have not hand in your coach fees:

You have made me suffer by waiting for your coach fees and texting you people to pay the coach fees.

I didn't even get a reply! (Only from some people)

If I don't get you coach fees (up to MAY) by next Monday, I WILL humiliate you by listing down your names and the amount you owe the coaches on this blog.

So please hand in the money.

Small reminder:

You should pay your gym fees to Chee Wei asap too.


To girls,

Cheer 10 is coming people!

Let's work our nervous-ness off and get champion ok?!

We HAVE TO win the guys again.

Easy! All we have to do is imagine the stadium is Taman Herba and WASH OUR CLOTHES!


Thank you. :)


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